Ouse Valley Eagles (Senior) Coaches

We are very fortunate to have an extremely dedicated group of coaches, who work hard at all levels of the game to ensure that our players are not just the best American Football players they can be, but are also striving to be the best people they can be.

Our club motto “Leave Your Mark” is not just about leaving your mark on the playing field, although that is a big part of it. It’s about leaving your mark on society, on the sport we play, in the community we live in, and on our families and friends.

Our coaches are at the heart of promoting that message.

All our coaches are Level 1 accredited through BAFCA, and we are encouraging coaches to take the Level 2 qualification also. Whilst qualifications won’t tell you if a coach is good or not, they will ensure a base level of knowledge about the sport and player safety, something which is absolutely vital in such a high intensity, collision oriented sport.

Where possible, we strive to have no player coaches at all. We want all our coaches to solely have to focus on coaching and the players under their wing. As such, we have a Coach Development Programme to ensure all our coaches are meeting the high standards set, and to promote coaching as a pathway for current players.

Our aim as a club is to put a number of players a year through their Level 1 coaching badge, and to secure funding to allow all coaches to attend conventions and clinics to promote their learning.

2017 Ouse Valley Eagles (Senior) Coaching Team