American Football doesn’t just require individual talent, it requires great team work. That’s why we need you.

We’d like you to become part of the South Midland’s number one American Football team by giving us your support.

It takes time and money in order to run the team and develop our players, and the Ouse Valley Eagles rely solely on money from fundraising, grants and sponsorship.

All our coaches and staff donate their time and commitment on a voluntary basis, and our players give us their enthusiasm and skill.

So what’s in it for you? For a start, you’ll get great opportunities for press coverage. The team will get extensive local media coverage, and we seek to maximise coverage for our sponsors too – giving you an opportunity to raise brand awareness without having to pay for advertising.

You’ll also get the chance to enhance your image by supporting a local organisation. The Eagles seek to build relationships within the local community, and your brand could be part of that.

Team Reach

With a footprint covering the whole of Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire, our recruitment base is one of the largest in the country.

– Our Facebook page has approximately 4,800 “Likes” – also one of the largest in British American Football.

– Our Twitter account has approximately 1,700 followers.

– During the season our website attracts an average of 6,000 visitors per month.

– We have our own mobile app for iOS and Android devices where news, scores and latest information can be shared.

Leave Your Mark

Click here to learn more about the available packages for the 2017 season, or here to download our Sponsorship Pack.

To discuss any of our sponsorship packages in more detail please get in touch via our Contact Us page, Facebook or Twitter.